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    Ryan Higa Makes His Own YouTube Rewind

    If you can’t make it to the Youtube Rewind, just Do It Yourself !

    View this video on YouTube / Via

    That was probably what he had in mind when he came up with this idea. Yes, him, Ryan Higa, mostly known for his youtube channel nigahiga who is currently about to pass the 16M subscribers, just saying.

    Since he couldn’t made it to the filming session because he was actually filming one of his videos - The Cardboard - which took a lot of time and energy, he decided to end the year with his own rewind, cleverly called ReRyan.

    If you have watched the Youtube Rewind and think that some things are missing, you’d probably find them in Ryan Higa’s ‘ little version ‘ as he humbly calls it in his tweet.

    Well, what else can we say except Thanks Ryan and see you in 2016!

    Happy holidays everyone !

    YouTube ReRyan