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    9 Frustrating Things Everyone Who Suffers From Hayfever Can Relate To

    Sniffling, sneezing, and puffy eyes? Thank you, summertime.

    1. Suffer from hayfever?

    2. Your eyes drip uncontrollably.

    3. And that itchy throat and whooping cough...

    4. Gardens? Parks? Generally anywhere outside is a no-go zone.

    5. You can't help but be like, "damn yoooooooou" when everyone is out in the sun enjoying themselves.

    6. And when that pollen count is high, you're like:

    7. Because it means those plans you had with friends or family will take place without you.

    8. But there is light at the end of that tearful, snotty and chesty-spluttering tunnel.

    9. And apparently, there are also certain plants that won't set you off.

    Hayfever sufferers, rejoice!