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    Why We Need To Stop Makeup Shaming

    A rant about a buzzfeed video and the culture of makeup shaming.

    This all started with a video posted on BuzzFeed Yellow entitled "How Does Everyday Makeup Change Your Face?"

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    BuzzFeed Yellow / Via Youtube

    This video highlights the "everyday" makeup routines of 4 average women, and showed a sped up video of a makeup artist doing the makeup of 4 women, finishing off with a comparison of a face without any make versus a face with the "everyday" makeup.

    The video finished off with the question of:

    this struck me as, well, annoying. In the video it claims that each look took 30 minutes to create, so by posing this question I read it as, is it worth it to do your makeup everyday.

    So you might wonder what makeup shaming is:

    makeup shaming is the practice of criticising a person (doesn't have to be a girl, we love everyone here) for wearing "too much makeup". Claiming that girls look better without makeup, people prefer when they don't wear a lot of makeup, etc.

    People are forever preaching the idea that a person is beautiful without makeup

    but we all know that this isn't the case.

    We're now going to go personal, back in to tweenhood.

    Back in the days, when I was a tween I suffered from the very common, but none the less still made fun of acne. I am also fortunate enough to come from a long line of red-faced women, so you can imagine the combination and cringe with me. The names growing up were terrible. "Pizza face", "Dirty face" etc were tossed at me and I was constantly considered, well, ugly.

    This is when I discovered the magic of makeup

    makeup took away the focus of my acne, and after a change in schools where know one knew, the names stopped. People didn't seem to notice that I had acne, and if I brought it up, people were surprised.

    This when I realised, makeup wasn't hiding my face, makeup was giving me confidence.

    and this is the truth for so many girls out there as well. Think about it, there is a billion dollar industry for cosmetics.

    So why am I so mad?

    I am mad because of the negative connotation of makeup. People seem to think makeup is all lies and girls who wear makeup are people who are hiding things. We all preach the idea of natural beauty, claim everyone is beautiful and that girls don't need makeup, but then the first thing we all do is judge a person by how they look. We all make girls feel the need to wear makeup, we are all to blame in the low self confidence of so many girls.

    So if makeup is something that creates confidence in girls, why should we shame them? Why should we make them feel like what they are doing is wrong, and that maybe they aren't as beautiful as the people who don't need makeup.

    why should we make girls feel bad about the time they spend doing their makeup, or the money they spend.

    Maybe we just all need to get out of each other's business

    and stop judging people on their choices.

    If you don't wear makeup, you're fortunate and you're beautiful... and if you do you're beautiful as well.

    Lets just all stop shaming people on their own choices.