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    The Second Semester Of School, As Told By Taylor Swift GIFs

    Just shake it off.

    1. The hope and grand possibilities of the New Year leaves us unprepared for what lies ahead.

    2. Returning to classes you started last year, knowing your grades.

    3. Having to disconnect from social media so you can concentrate.

    4. Staring out a dark classroom window at 4 p.m., waiting for summer.

    5. Awaiting the unavoidable all-nighters that must be pulled.

    6. Kiss your social life good-bye!

    7. You've gotta prep for that midterm you know everything about...

    8. Missing that holiday season so bad!

    9. And just as it nears that point where you think you're just about to crack...

    10. You know it's time to just tell it like it is.

    11. You did this once, you can do it again.

    12. Just shake off the semester. You got this.

    Good luck to all of y'all heading back to school on Monday!