
Terra L.

~The most important things you need to know about me are:~ I'm a very spiritual person, though not what I'd call religious. I believe in many different things and don't feel comfortable being classified in one "religion" or another. I do belive in a higher power, like god, although I can't say God is his/her name. It could be Allah or Yahweh for all we know. God could be Goddess or both God and Goddess. No one knows for sure. I do believe in Jesus, so I guess by definition thats makes me a Christian. However, I belive teachings from Buddhism, Judahism, Islam, and many others. I think all religions are linked and refering to the same higher power. It's the details that everyones fighting over (which I find rediculous). My philosophy is that of Paganism. Better you bash it know this. It has NOTHING to do with satan, so dont throw that bull at me. Paganism exsisted before the idea of satan ever did. So in your face! XP Paganism is mainly a belief system that is very intune with nature and all living things. No, I'm not a hippie. -lol- I just have respect for all things around. I see beauty in every naturally exsisting thing. Thats just how I am. Like it, understand it...or don't. I believe everyone has a lightforce, energy, or "light of god" within them better known as an aura. If your in to that sort of thing here is how to find out what color your aura is if you can't see it for yourself: http://www.auracolors.com/personal-quiz-auracolors.html My aura is: Crystal; Crystals have clear auras and are known as the "aura chameleons." Like chameleons, their auras will change colors to match those of the people they are connecting with at the time. They then take on the characteristics, behavior patterns, emotions and thoughts of that color. Consequently, in power Crystals can get along quite well with almost anyone. However, the Crystals' inconsistencies can also confuse people. One minute Crystals think and behave like Greens . A short while later, they can act like Blues . The more they connect and bond with others, the more their personalities change. Because Crystals tend to absorb the colors of other people's auras, people can, at times, feel an energy drain when they are in the presence of Crystals. While healing, balanced Crystals are able to keep their thoughts and emotions out of the way, making the healing more pure. Because of their unusual sensitivity, they can only heal one person at a time. They then need to go to a peaceful place to cleanse their aura. Working with too many people can short-circuit their system. That is me "in a nutshell", want to know more...ask. ^_^

Feb 2010
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