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    10 Of The Creepiest Ventriloquist Dummies On Album Covers

    There's something about a dummy (or puppet, as the case may be) that makes an album look a little creepy ...

    1. Rusty: a dummy with creepy Moe haircut (or Shemp & Moe)

    2. Little Marcy: a dummy with creepy "Mommy and me" matching clothes

    3. Little Marcy with "Now that BIG Marcy is blonde so am I" hair

    4. "Willie Joe" -- with very frightening sideburns ... and incipient unibrow

    5. Sock puppet -- always irritating

    6. Dummy with Elvis-like pomp on knee of singer who looks like Priscilla Presley

    7. Dummy with Justin Beiber hair, unibrow AND mustache -- plus he actually looks a bit like Oscar.

    8. Uncle "D" -- who looks creepier than the creepy dummies (What are you doing with your hands, Uncle "D"?)

    9. Dummy with snappy evangelical hair-do (and very cool plaid pants)

    10. Erick who looks suspiciously like a wooden drag king