18 Faces Every Broke Person Has Made

    Top Ramen or Easy Mac? THAT is the question.

    1. When you're waiting for your direct deposit to show in your account:

    2. When your parents say that you're spending too much:

    3. When you ask your parents for money:

    4. When your friend says they can't pay you back until next week:

    5. When you barely ordered anything, but everyone wants to split the bill evenly:

    6. When you can only afford the pregame because you don't have enough to go to a bar:

    7. When it's the first of the month and you're unsure about rent:

    8. When you didn't expect the 20% gratuity on top of the bill:

    9. When you check your account and realize you already spent half your paycheck:

    10. When you're waiting to see if your transaction goes through:

    11. When your card gets declined:

    12. When your college starts calling and asking for donations:

    13. When you don't even check your wallet cause you know nothing's in there:

    14. When you realize you're out of school and your meals don't pay for themselves:

    15. When you realize you don't have to spend money because you may have leftovers in the fridge:

    16. When you charm your way into a club for free:

    17. When the grace period for your college loans has ended:

    18. When you find 20 bucks in your pocket: