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    Kinder Morgan Vs Bill Cosby ??

    Is the Media and Kinder Morgan against Bill Cosby ??

    For some reason the media keeps shoving all of this dirt on Bill Cosby's legendary name, I asked myself who did he piss off?? Because all of theses allegations seem so far fetched, seems personal not factual. So I researched a little and wanted to share my thoughts an express my opinion. I am not a person who believes in conspiracy theories — however I can not figure out why the media keeps force feeding all of us with negative publicity on such a remarkable person. I know its always about the money and power, but looks like I may have stumbled upon the real dirt and why the media is digging so hard to try and destroy Bill Cosby. The Cosby family has been and is committed to preserving nature's beauties and a healthy environment, however the Cosby's have publicly opposed the Kinder-Morgan Tennessee Gas Pipeline's plan to penetrate the environment with its toxicities…Kinder Morgan is the largest energy infrastructure company in North America. They own an interest in or operate approximately 80,000 miles of pipelines and 180 terminals. Kinder Morgan is the third largest energy company in North America worth over $125 billion. It has political allies; such as, all six New England governors. So I ask did Kinder Morgan become upset with the Cosby Family, because they have publicly opposed the pipeline constructed- Did Kinder Morgan literally dig up old rumors and lies to create this scandal against Bill Cosby‎? Draw Your Own Conclusion!!!! Please share your thoughts and this story!!! Its always about money and power!!!