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We Asked Americans What They Think About Scottish Independence And It Was Pretty Bleak

"¯\_(ツ)_/¯." —consensus

On Thursday, Scotland will make a historic, once-in-a-lifetime decision in a referendum to vote for the country's independence from the United Kingdom.

It's big. In fact, in these next crucial 48 hours, it's all U.K. media can and will talk about.

So we asked Americans to offer their two cents on the future of Scotland.

And whether they have any advice or words of wisdom to help Scottish citizens make their pivotal, impending decisions.

What we learned: Even though most had not even heard about the matter...

...it did not stop Americans from forming and giving an opinion on the matter.

One guy offered this sound advice.

While others just boiled it down to simple rationale.

Americans were really rooting for Scottish sovereignty because we believe in FREEDOM and INDEPENDENCE and AMERICA.

Although some had their, well, slightly more informed doubts.

And one guy didn't know independence was even to be had.
