23 Times Tumblr Perfectly Captured What Winter Is Like In Canada

    Opposite of this.

    1. On "winter fashion":

    2. And innovation:

    3. On what's actually considered cold:

    4. On the daily grind:

    5. On the daily struggle:

    6. On transportation:

    7. On the suffering:

    8. For 'Mericans, on some perspective:

    9. And for the rest of the world:

    10. (In great detail):

    11. On your livestock:

    12. On leaving Canada:

    13. On looking forward to spring:

    14. On whenever one might ask "how cold?" :


    16. On making the most of it:

    17. On life wisdom:

    18. On the recent cold front:

    19. On the first day of winter vs. now:

    20. On news headlines:

    21. On work:

    22. And on getting there:

    23. But on admitting defeat: