24 Undeniable Signs You Went To McGill

    You know just enough French to get drunk.

    1. You've skipped class — not because you're a badass, but because it was too icy to walk to class.

    2. And when you had to go to write an exam, you cursed underneath your frozen breath the entire way there.

    3. You know what a "dep" is.

    4. Because you've bought beer/wine at one when you were too lazy to go anywhere else.

    5. You've celebrated at least one birthday at l'Acadamie.

    6. Poutine is your go-to drunk food. Not pizza.

    Tastes just like that time I was 20 and drunk in Montreal. #poutine #cheesecurds

    7. You've also experienced the magical late-night munchie landmarks that are La Belle Provence and La Banquise.

    8. The best summer spectator sport is sun-bathing and people-watching in the lower field.

    Little boys and girls playing on the #McGill Lower Field. And a couple making out beside them. #PDA

    9. And the best winter sport is people-watching people slip on ice.

    True Canadian fact: When walking at night, you're more worried about slipping on ice then you are about being mugged.

    10. You have no idea what your major requirements are because McGill admin are just as clueless.

    11. You've either taken, or thought of taking, Terrestrial Planets 'cause you heard it was a bird class.

    12. ...only to find out you had to memorize all these facts about planets and science and stuff.

    Sign you are an Arts student? Being highly confused in terrestrial planets. #Fail #mcgill

    13. You don't remember frosh week at all, but you've got about a thousand shaming photo tags on Facebook to remind you.

    14. And then there's Carnival, winter's frosh week, which really should be called SLOSHED WEEK AMIRITE.

    15. The words "Stewart Bio" drudges up all sorts of terrifying memories.

    16. You've referred to happy hours as ""4 to 7s."

    5 á 7 #cocktails at (@lab_cocktail) Le Lab Comptoir À Cocktails, #Montreal. #Quebec #HappyHour

    (Or sometimes "5 to 7s" / "5 à 7")

    17. You've posed with the James McGill statue.

    18. ...and/or violated him.

    19. You're pretty sure you don't know anyone who's actually from Quebec...

    20. Or speaks French...

    21. But you yourself know just enough of it to get a drink, a taxi or kicked out of a bar.

    22. You've figured out the spotlight in the sky is not, to your disappointment, Batman, but the 737 nightclub.

    23. You now live by the motto that if you can't chug a beer, "you're no fucking good to anyone".

    24. Because, as your four years have taught you, no one goes quite as hard as a McGillian.