23 More Terrifying Photos Of The Neverending Snow In Eastern Canada

    They just can't catch a break.

    It's only been a month since Canada's maritime provinces were slammed with one of the worst winter storms in history. The aftermath looked insane.

    Well, they just got hit AGAIN. This time, up to 50 cm of snow is expected to dump over the eastern provinces.

    And Atlantic Canadians are just, so, over, it.


    1. People have even begun tweeting their dismal photos with the hashtag #WinterISurrender.


    Soon to disappear Parking meter in downtown Halifax. #winterISurrender #cbcns

    3. Someone has even waved the white flag of surrender.

    #WinterISurrender: Atlantic Canada turns tail on winter http://t.co/4onKhnruWa

    4. Tuesday's St. Patrick's Day was preeeettttttty much cancelled.

    Pretty much...Terry Phelan of Halifax with this picture. #WinterISurrender #cbcmar

    5. And they were just left with the horrifying reality around them — once again.

    @HomeSweetHaven @JP_1085 Out my back door. My cat is like - huh?! 30 cm's of snow & still snowing! #nsstorm

    6. Residents have compared this to the Canadian edition of the Hunger Games.

    I just found out we're all auditioning for a snow-related reality show/Hunger Games. #WinterISurrender #nsstorm

    7. Here's a photo of someone's windshield wipers amid the snow.

    Good thing I left my wife's wipers up, so they don't freeze on the window. #NSStorm

    8. Here's a photo of someone's house from their own streetview.

    Standing on the street looking at my house. #nsstorm #timberlea

    9. People are still getting to work.

    This man was heading to work at the hospital. #SnowHeroes #nsstorm

    10. However which way they can.

    It's not often you can ski through a city to get around #Halifax #nsstorm @globalhalifax

    11. Snow has covered every surface, erasing all local landmarks and semblance of civilization.

    Just sitting in the middle of the street. Don't think anyone is going anywhere today.. Ha! @hfxtraffic #nsstorm

    12. This is what just 6 hours will do.

    5:30 am up top and 11:30 am below #halifax #nsstorm #snowgoinganywhere

    13. Folks are pulling out their meter sticks — again.

    Let's just round that up to a smooth 80cm. #nsstorm #halifax #WinterISurrender

    14. And shovels — again.

    #nsstorm This is after 2 hours of shovelling, and only half our car is dug out!

    15. People are snowed in — again.

    Definitely a ski-to-work sort of day. #oncall #Halifax #nsstorm

    16. And if they do manage to get out, they're practically immobile — again.

    #nsstorm #Halifax #halifaxblizzard @Live105HRM @TwitCoast nadia drive #dartmouth

    17. To give you a proper frame of reference, "spring" is supposed to be a couple days away.

    Did someone not tell #winter that #spring is 2 days away in #Halifax #WinterISurrender

    18. Yeah... "spring" will be a lil' late this year...

    @weathernetwork @weatherchannel Buried in snow in Lower Sackville Nova Scotia. #EnoughIsEnough

    19. Thankfully, however, Canadians not only rose up to the challenge, but selflessly helped each other out, to face their second brutal storm together.

    @weathernetwork My neighbor Bella has walked through waist deep snow to dig out snow drift in front of front door so I could get out

    snow day stories to tell your kid about how they came into the world. kudos to @Brett_Global, #stormhero.

    20. Plows are, again, working tirelessly to bring eastern Canada back to shape.

    21. One man in P.E.I showed up to help his neighbour shovel out his car on the side of the road, CBC reports.

    Facebook: video.php

    22. So even though most of our maritimers are beyond fed up with their neverending winter season...

    This person has it right! #novascotia #nsstorm

    23. Canadians are winter strong.