Canada's Dollaramas Are Raising Their $1 Prices And It's Bullsh*t

    More like DollaWRONGma amirite.

    We've starved and squawked our poor loonie to a measly $0.74 USD and now one of the casualties is the beloved national retailer Dollarama. They're planning to raise their prices to as much as $4.


    Well, here's a hot f#$king take: This is morally, intrinsically, spiritually, politically, and emotionally wrong.

    And I'ma lay it out for you.

    1. First of all, the business's namesake is "DOLLARama." You might as well rebrand it to "DollaWRONGma" 'cause that's what you're now selling us.

    2. And, tbh, any other name sucks. Sorry.

    if dollarama is hiking up prices, it should change its name too. enough is enough.

    3. And, tb-even-more-h, no one is gonna want to pay more than $1 or $2 for kitsch and basics. SORRY.

    4. The price hike is emblematic of the current state of our country and that state is the state of SAD.

    5. And hiking up Dollarama prices would only dampen our national mood .

    6. 'Cause we all collectively feel really travel- and online-shopping-deprived right now.

    tbh the weak ass canadian dollar is really killing my online shopping game

    7. So please at least save the sanctity of shopping in-stores — AND AT A PLACE WE CAN ALL AFFORD.

    8. Here's a scientific graph showing what will happen to our spirits as prices go up:

    9. So to the kind people at Dollarama who have supplied us with $1 tupperware when we couldn't afford Canadian Tire:

    WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?????? *shakes fist at sky* - @BryceKelley

    10. We need you right now. We need you to get through the tough times.