10 Things Eastern Canadians Want You To Know About The Terrifying Blizzard

    11. They could probably survive the Ice Age.

    Canada's maritime provinces were just hit with one of the worst snow storms recorded in history.

    By morning this car will be gone. @meteomedia @weathernetwork #monctonstorm #atlstorm

    The rest of us — who have and probably will never deal with winters of this caliber — were stunned and left wondering how the f#@k one deals.

    So some of the residents schooled us. The preparations and aftermath are sometimes crazier than the storm.

    College student Samantha Wambolt (originally from Nova Scotia, pictured left) and local photographer John Morris (right) told BuzzFeed what's it's actually like to live through a real blizzard. Or, rather, just a day in the life.

    Here's everything you should know, and have been wondering, about how Eastern Canadians braved the recent shitstorm:

    1. Yes — many people were stuck and buried inside. You have to be diligent and resourceful to get yourself out.

    2. Because plows could take several days to get to you.

    3. People got really creative figuring out how to let their dogs out to pee.

    4. They also had to brave conditions during the blizzard for their pets.

    5. If you've been in a storm this bad, you know that it's truly terrifying.

    6. And that cabin fever is a real thing: "It really can make you think irrationally."

    Samantha now jokes that she would feel so isolated, she began talking to her pets "far more than a regular person might consider as being normal".

    But some fears did settle in at the time. "[I imagined] horrifying scenarios where the weight of the snow would be so great, that it would come crashing through my windows and I would slowly freeze to death and not be found for some time," she said. "I'm going to call it 'storm-brain,' because it really can make you think irrationally."

    7. Beyond the necessities, maritime provinces have a quirky ritual of heavily stocking up on potato chips. They call them "stormchips".

    8. Towns everywhere are still reeling and repairing, but everyone has come together to help one another out.

    MT @NataliaGoodwin: Compass @ 6: Mother-son leave gifts of warmth in Charlottetown #pei

    When a house caught fire in Kensington, PEI and news broke out on social media, community members showed up at the owner's doorstep with food, blankets, pillows, and other supplies.

    9. People are bringing food, coffee, and warm clothes to snow plow operators who are working long hours.

    10. Finally, and most importantly, locals want to remind you that the latest viral photos do not represent how beautiful and worth-your-visit these provinces truly are.

    "Canada is a beautiful place to live, and honestly, as bad as winters can be sometimes, we rarely get a storm of this caliber," said Samantha. "It truly was a memorable, exciting, terrifying and enlightening experience, but it should neither deter people from visiting or encourage the stereotype that we all live in igloos...or ride polar bears to work/school. If either of those were true, I'd be pretty stoked though. Polar bears are awesome."

    (We did, however, learn that Canadians are one tough bunch.)