The Most Famous And Magical Treehouse In Canada You Didn't Know About

    Probably because it's dubbed "a secret."

    Somewhere in a forest in Whistler, British Columbia, perched high in the leafy timbers, is a treehouse that treehouse dreams are made of.

    Once inhabited, and now a part of a guided hiking tour, the treehouse has been talked about widely on the internet, but few know about its whereabouts — because the location is intentionally and mysteriously marked "somewhere in the woods."

    And as elusive as the house itself, creator Joel Allen sent us files of photos of his former home, before disappearing off the internet.

    So we now leave you with the images and stirrings of what possibly is the most magical adult dwelling in Canada. Warning: It may compel you to ditch this cruel world and live in a treehouse.

    We've, of course, reached out to Joel to learn about the current status and standings of HemLoft, but he appears to be off the grid. So good on you, Joel. Good on you.