Tami A.

I'm a bit androgynous. I'm also just a kid at heart who loves to go out and play. I'm somewhat irresponsible unless I absolutely have to be. I'm somewhat shy, except for friends. I prefer one on one to large groups. I am an INFP on the Meyers-Briggs scale and an Enneagram 5 (the observer). I dress for comfort and function. I have stopped caring what other people think of me. I have an off-the-wall sense of humor and I love to hear other people laugh. I make my living as an emergency room nurse. The best part about that is that I get to work with people who are as warped as I am. I'm pretty good with a needle. I live with a rare lung disorder called Fibrosing Mediastinitis. I have more information on my website at http://www.marchmoon.net I live in a wonderful place with my amazing partner and our 2 dogs and 2 cats.

Aug 2009
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