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    10 Surprising Facts About Syria

    The place did actually exist before it started making headlines

    1. People have been living there longer than almost anywhere else

    2. Syria was part of the Roman Empire

    3. The country was home to some kick-ass queens

    5. Glass was invented by Syrians

    Around 100 BC, an unknown Syrian craftsman was struck with a glorious idea and made the technological breakthrough that forever changed the world of glass... He used an iron tube - a thin iron pipe.With a blob of gooey glass on the end of his tube, he blew into the tube and found that he could blow the glass into the round shape of a jar. The time- and labour-consuming step of making a clay pot became obselete.

    Glass blowing has remained a Syrian craft up until today.

    6. Syrians helped develop the ice-cream

    7. Basketball is a popular Syrian sport

    8. Refugees used to move TO Syria

    9. And Syrian expats have shaped the modern world

    10. Despite these ties, wealthy countries have turned their back on Syrian refugees