3 Aussie Country Kids Answer Questions From City Kids

    We have the swag(s) you wish you did.

    1. Have you milked a cow?

    2. Have you watched a cow/horse/other animal give birth?

    3. Do you all know how to ride a horse?

    4. Did it take you like an hour to get to school every day?

    5. What did you do for fun when you were a teenager?

    6. Did you have like ten thousand pets as kids?

    7. Did you all learn to drive when you were 8?

    Tahlia: I had a fear of driving up until I was 19 because I was convinced I was too short to drive, so no.

    Lane: Yep, in a beat-up Toyota Hilux.

    Nick: I learnt to drive around 10. We had motorbikes though.

    8. Do you really think Aussie hip hop is good or are you just being loyal?

    9. How come all your farmers want wives?

    10. Is all your food really fresh?

    11. Do you have internet out there?

    12. Have you ever shot a gun?

    13. What is a swag?

    14. Do you have mud on your shoes all the time?

    15. Is Crocodile Dundee remotely accurate to your life?

    16. Did your school have like 30 people?

    17. How big is your house?

    18. Do you have to be friends with everyone in your school?

    19. What if you hated someone?

    20. Did you have a pet lamb you had to kill?

    21. Is your local newspaper one page long?

    Tahlia: Don’t you dare insult The Daily Advertiser. They have the best vox pops of any newspaper in Australia.

    Lane: Please, it’s at least two A4 pages stapled together.

    Nick: Dubbo’s Daily Liberal was like 20 pages long, with most front pages being along the lines of “Breaking: Mrs Smith baked a cake! Town stoked!”

    22. What’s a silo?

    23. Do you get mail delivered every day?

    24. Do you have a hat with corks on it?

    25. Does everyone have a tin shed?

    26. Are there spiders and snakes everywhere?

    27. Do you even have mobile reception?