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19 Important Super Bowl Questions America Needs To Answer


1. First thing's first, why the fuck is your alcohol so expensive?

2. Why do you care about the advertisements so much?

3. ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

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4. Why does the game go for SO LONG?!

5. What's with all the stopping and the starting?

6. How many people are on the teams?

7. What’s with all the padding?

8. Where’s Jarryd Hayne?

9. Why does it move location every year?

10. Can Katy Perry's sharks come back every year please?

11. What is a "touchdown" and why does it sound so dirty?

12. How come it’s not just a 2 hour Beyoncé concert?

13. Also who invited Coldplay to this Beyoncé concert?

14. Why is this football game such a big deal?

15. Why do you call the winners "champions of the world"?

16. Where are Coach and Tami Taylor?

17. Does the Superb Owl joke ever get old?

18. How sick is everyone on Monday morning?

19. Is it over yet?