18 Reasons House Hunting Is Similar To Having A Creepy Crush

    Please like me. I already love you.

    1. You arrive at your destination filled with hopes and dreams.

    2. You inspect everything very carefully.

    3. If you like what you see, you start going overboard to impress.

    4. You pay A LOT of compliments.

    5. You eagerly ask for all contact information.

    6. All you want is for them to like you back.

    7. And pick you to be their first choice.

    8. You fall way too fast, even though you know it's completely irrational.

    9. And you can’t imagine life without them.

    10. You call every second day to check where you stand.

    11. And text incessantly if they don't pick up your calls.

    12. You’re devastated when they reject you.

    13. And spend days wondering what you’ve done wrong.

    14. But you’re resilient. You will find love again.

    15. The day will come, when you do find something better.

    16. A better looking model. A flashier exterior. And it's all you've ever wanted.

    17. The day they accept you, is the happiest day of your life.

    18. And you can’t wait to make some new memories.