14 Of The Weirdest Google Searches About New Zealand

    Would New Zealand survive a nuclear war?

    1. First things first, why is New Zealand named New Zealand?

    2. And who has NZ been spying on exactly?

    3. New Zealand. It's like Scotland, but further.

    4. But most people know New Zealand as Middle Earth tbh.

    5. A question on everyone's lips: Why Kiwis?

    6. Would Kiwis survive a nuclear war?

    7. Well, this just escalated.

    8. If you hate snakes, it looks like NZ may be the place to be.

    9. Hopefully anyway.

    10. Though we all know we don't have the same accent, let's be real.

    11. And the never ending debate of who's better once again arises.

    12. OK, OK, we probably did ~borrow~ the whole pavlova thing. Sorry NZ.

    13. We knew it.