12 #Auspol Quotes As Motivational Posters

    Our leaders are so inspirational.

    1. When Clive Palmer just wasn't to blame.

    2. The time Joe Hockey was the most sympathetic dude on the block.

    3. When Pauline Hanson knew exactly what the country needed to remain peaceful.

    4. The time Kevin Rudd made absolute sense.

    5. When Tony Abbott taught us hardships in life, all comes down to our choices.

    6. The time Jacqui Lambie let us know what she was looking for in a man.

    7. When Malcolm Turnbull spoke #RealTalk.

    8. When Julia Gillard was all about America.

    9. The time Cory Bernardi compared same-sex marriage to beastiality.

    10. When Julie Bishop did not want a bar of the term feminism.

    11. The time Eric Abetz solved the youth unemployment crisis.

    12. When Christopher Pyne kept it classy.