The Definitive Ranking Of The Guys On "How To Get Away With Murder"

    How to get away with being really, ridiculously good looking.

    9. Aiden Walker.

    Aiden is the fiancé of law student Michaela and appears sporadically in the show, either being mopey and/or boring. Hardly memorable.

    8. Sam Keating.

    Sam Keating is shrouded in mystery - that fact alone may work for some people, but then it kinda gets ruined with the whole "he may be a murderer" thing.

    7. Griffin O'Reilly.

    A star quarterback and captain of the football team may sound good on paper, but the nature of Griffin and the deceased Lila Stangard's relationship is still highly questionable.

    6. Nate Lahey.

    The surly cop rarely smiles, but when he does it's magical. His passionate scenes and obvious chemistry with Annalise also add to his appeal.

    5. Asher Millstone.

    He may have originally come across as arrogant and privileged, but you can't help but find Asher's dorky personality and bad jokes totally endearing.

    4. Oliver Hampton.

    Oliver's got brains and he's also got an adorably shy smile that will melt your heart.

    3. Frank Delfino.

    Frank's suave, sexy personality and his wry smile have got many hearts beating faster. The beard helps too.

    2. Wes Gibbins.

    My oh my has Dean Thomas grown up since Hogwarts. Maybe Wes should be a prime suspect on the show - those dimples of his are a silent killer.

    1. Connor Walsh.

    Connor oozes sex appeal. He's cheeky, he's charismatic - and he also has a rarely shown sensitive side. Connor wins the How To Get Away With Our Hearts award.