17 Questions Sydney Has For Canberra

    Truthfully, how many times have you been to Questacon?

    1. What's with all the huge roundabouts?

    2. And the whole "merge into one lane RIGHT NOW" thing?

    3. How many times did your school force you to go to Parliament House?

    4. And truthfully, how many times have you been to Questacon?

    5. Do you all follow politics closely or are you just 100% over it?

    6. Do you run into politicians just randomly on the street?

    7. Do you feel embarrassed a lot when it comes to these guys?

    8. What do you guys do for ~fun~?

    9. How trashy do things really get at Moosehead?

    10. Also, why is it called Mooseheads?

    11. Does it suck that it gets so cold, but you don't get rewarded with snow?

    12. Why do you have an international airport and no international flights?

    13. What's the go with this place?

    14. Are Manuka and Kingston like the equivalent to Sydney's North Shore?

    15. What on earth is up with this sculpture?

    16. Can you actually just settle on a name for this tower please?

    17. And do you ever feel an overwhelming urge to move to Sydney?