"The Bachelor" Australia Finale Has Aired But The Real Winner Was Probably Mike Baird

    Baird's live-tweeting stole the show.

    With the finale of The Bachelor Australia spurring Twitter into a frenzy, there was one familiar name that popped up in the tweets for the night.

    Unfortunately for NSW Premier Mike Baird, he happened to be stuck at home with the "man-flu" when the finale started.

    Stuck at home on the couch with man-flu. Daughters have hijacked the TV and are watching The Bachelor. Going to be a loooong night.

    Baird was quick to join in the live-tweeting process and seemed to hope that the show wouldn't run for very long.

    He seems very sincere for a guy who is two-timing, live on TV. This is only a 30 minute show, right? #TheBachelorAU

    Potentially being a little too hopeful, he quickly learned the rules of The Bachelor weren't actually that simple....

    I thought he'd made his decision when he just kissed one of the girls! My daughters are laughing at me. #TheBachelorAU

    ...and he was quick to give some helpful advice.

    What's with this music? A bit of cold chisel wouldn't go astray. #TheBachelorAU

    As well as point out some obvious alternatives if things went awry.

    Hang on. There's a bachelorette?! Why don't they just hook her up with this guy and save us all some time. #TheBachelorAU

    And he couldn't help but get one or two sly digs in...

    It must be terrible for those girls. Imagine having every word u say captured, televised, and taken out of context. Oh wait.. #TheBachelorAU

    ...including one to host Osher Günsberg.

    Hang on, who's this second guy?! Not even a rate cut from the RBA could deal with the inflation levels in that hair style. #TheBachelorAU

    Baird was quick to pick up some fans.

    Will you accept this rose @mikebairdMP ??? Mike be owning Twitter tonight.

    @mikebairdMP who needs campaigning when you have live tweeting #gotmyvote #thebachelorau

    My state premier knows how to live-tweet a reality TV finale. I 👏🏻 am 👏🏻 here 👏🏻 for 👏🏻 this. @mikebairdMP #TheBachelorAU

    I reckon @mikebairdMP should write recaps for #thebacheloretteAU

    And even picked up some prestigious new followers in the process!

    I'm taking a long hard look at myself because it's taken @mikebairdMP live tweeting #TheBachelorAU for me to follow him.

    He decided to call it quits just after it was revealed Lana was heading home, and Snezana was Sam's No. 1 pick.

    I can't take any more. Off to bed. Key learning: Cabinet decision making might be a lot simpler with a rose ceremony process. #TheBachelorAU

    Thanks for the laughs, Premier.

    The best part of this finale was @mikebairdMP live tweeting it #TheBachelorAU

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