17 Things Only People Who Get Easily Distracted Can Understand

    What did you say?

    1. When you find yourself staring out the window a lot instead of working.

    2. When someone asks if you're still listening to them and you actually tuned out minutes ago.

    3. When you go to type just one thing into google, then end up in a world of different tabs.

    4. When you go to read a long, detailed email and only make it about three lines in.

    5. When you go to the movies and it drags on for more than two hours, so you start making up your own alternate endings.

    6. When you trail off mid-sentence during a meeting, because your attention gets captivated elsewhere.

    7. When you get super fidgety because you've been working on the one topic for too long, so it means instant restlessness.

    8. And generally sitting still at work isn't really an option.

    9. When you try to reply to a text, except then you get distracted by a tweet.

    10. When you get creative inspiration and decide you're going to write the next best novel, only to give up after one page.

    11. When you're having a face-to-face conversation with someone and you get distracted by something over their shoulder.

    12. When you go to the grocery store to buy just one necessity like toilet paper, and you leave with about $50 worth of food.

    13. When you're in a meeting or class and your notepad turns into this.

    14. And when someone is giving you details or directions and you only end up retaining 50% of it.

    15. When you have a really great idea, go to write it down, get distracted, then forget your idea.

    16. When you've nearly finished reading this post but you're bored and want to do something else.

    17. And when your friend's having a big, long rant about their day and you're kinda listening but not really...