19 Conversation Tips For The Awkward


    1. Say "cool" to everything:

    2. Keep up with pop culture! Interesting facts are great to whip out during conversation:

    3. When things get silent, always resort to talking about the weather:

    4. When someone opens up to you, act compassionate and concerned:

    5. Use your surroundings as inspiration for conversation starters:

    6. Laugh to show you are interested in the conversation:

    7. Use "yeah," "yes," and "sure" as often as possible. People love when you agree with them:

    8. When flustered or anxious, make up new words:

    9. Compliment people:

    10. Really engage people in conversation by giving helpful advice and feedback:

    11. Be open! Tell people about yourself:

    12. Have a social prop! Drink long sips of water in between spaces of awkward silence:

    13. That way you will stay hydrated and your voice won't crack when you start to speak:

    14. Plus, you'll have to excuse yourself to the bathroom a lot to give yourself a moment to recuperate from all the social interaction:

    15. Smile!

    16. Be confident yet humble:

    17. Circulate the room. Try to keep conversations short:

    18. But always know your limits:

    19. And remember, if all else fails, you always have "cool":