17 Signs Winter Is Killing You Softly

    Stupid "Polar Vortex."

    1. It's freezing outside. And you're pissed!

    2. Nobody wants to get with this ... because you have the flu.

    3. Your heater is now your lover:

    4. This is what happens when you leave your warm bed:

    5. Your skin is so dry, you are contemplating changing your name to "Ashy Larry":

    6. You look like this every time you step out of your house into the frigid cold:

    7. Could you be wearing anymore clothes?

    8. But no matter how much you layer up, you are still freezing:

    9. Walking is more difficult than you remember:

    10. This is what happens when you try to cross the street:

    11. But if you do have to leave your house, it's quite the ordeal:

    12. Yet you are still expected to carry on your normal routine:

    13. The cold is cramping your style:

    14. And of course this tragedy:

    15. Forget Zumba, this is now your exercise routine:

    16. You'll resort to almost anything to generate some warmth:

    17. Stupid Polar Vortex: