25 Questions HBCU Alumni Are Tired Of Hearing

    "Do you know anyone who went to Hillman?"

    1. "What is an HBCU?"

    2. "Oh, you mean like Howard?"

    3. "So there's more than just one of them?"

    4. "Is that what Hillman was?"


    5. "Do you know anyone who went there?"

    6. "So why do HBCUs still exist?"

    7. "Isn't it all kind of racist?"

    What Tess Said.

    8. "So are white people allowed to go there?"

    9. "Do they get minority scholarships?"

    10. "So what made you decide to go to a predominately black school?"

    11. "But isn't having a school for black people basically segregation?"

    12. "Were all the professors black?"

    13. "Were you required to take African-American literature/history classes?"

    14. "So did you major in African studies?"

    15. "OK well, did you pledge?"

    16. "So it's not like Stomp The Yard?"

    17. "You didn't learn how to step there?"

    18. "So why is homecoming such a big deal?"

    19. "What about your band, was it like the one in Drumline?"

    20. "What about the school band in that Robin Thicke video, was that your school?"

    21. "I bet the food was great though right?"

    22. "Does having a black school on your resume make things harder?"

    23. "Yeah but did it affect the kind of jobs you were able to get?"

    24. "So I guess you don't feel like you missed out on the full college experience then?"

    25. "OK last question, are you going to get your master’s at like a real college?"