Here's What Two Actual Southerners Think Of Reese Witherspoon's Draper James

    Beauty, class, and southern sass.

    It seems like every celeb is coming out with a ~lifestyle~ site these days, and Reese Witherspoon entered the race in May with her lifestyle and e-commerce site, Draper James.

    Named after her grandparents, Draper James is meant to represent the "grace and charm" of the American South. Its goal is "to bring contemporary, yet timeless Southern style to your wardrobe and your home, no matter where you live."

    So, just how Southern is Draper James, actually? In honor of the brand's forthcoming brick-and-mortar store opening, two authentic Southerners (one from North Carolina and one from South Carolina) decided to review a few things from the site.

    Single Letter Guest Towel Set - $78

    Erickson Beamon for Draper James Sugar Magnolia Stud Earings - $65

    Old Gringo For DJ Cowboy Boot - $500

    White Ryman Jacket - $125

    Umbrella - $48

    Hello Sugar Sweatshirt - $125

    Hello Sugar Tote - $165

    Custom 4x6 Frame - $95

    Pierre Renoir Boat Hat - $120

    Susannah Mid Length Tweed Skirt - $250

    Notepad in Peachtree - $14

    Printed Knoxville Pant - $95

    Final Thoughts:

    Sarah: Basically, Reese's site is definitely Southern. But it's more old money Southern than everyday Southern. Pearls with your Pulitzer on bid day Southern, if you will. If you're a wealthy and skinny Southern female, this site is catered to you. If you're anything else, sorry but you won't find anything here! It does not grasp the whole of Southernness. We are a diverse group of folks in every way. Reese is this type of Southern, and that's fine. But not everyone is, or can be.

    Sydney: Reese knows her audience. The type of of Southern girl that would purchase this stuff is dreaming of the perfect Southern life. It's all aspirational, overpriced and targeted toward a specific type of Southern woman: white, skinny, upper-middle class, modern southern belles. It's the kind of South that people who have never been to the South might imagine. This is an ideal version of the South inspired by what the South used to be and in both those versions the only people having a good time are white and rich.