16 Truths About Pot Dealers

    99 problems and your dealer might be one.

    1. When your dealer adds just a little more.

    2. When your dealer lies about how much they gave you.

    When your drug dealer says he sent you a little extra only to find out he gave you 3.3 instead of 3.5

    3. When your dealer has edibles.

    4. When you're struggling to find someone reliable.

    Google, help me! How to find a reliable drug dealer?

    5. When your dealer justifies selling drugs.

    6. When your dealer hits you up out of the blue just to hang out.

    When the drug dealer hits you up.

    7. When your dealer says they'll be there in 10 minutes but they show up two hours later.

    8. When you encounter a random drug dealer on the street.

    9. When your dealer doesn't deliver.

    10. When your dealer won't stop talking and you really need to get high.

    11. When your dealer is dry.

    when your drug dealer says he's out..

    12. When the dealer you trusted tries to sell you some weak shit.

    13. When your dealer gets busted.

    my brother when his drug dealer got arrested

    14. When you're too high to figure out what to name your dealer in your phone.

    15. When your dealer makes you meet up with them.

    when your drug dealer has to give you your package in public lmaoooo

    16. When you sell a G to your roommate and start to wonder if you're a drug dealer/if you should be a drug dealer.