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    Studying For The MCAT Exam, According To Scrubs.

    You secretly hate it when your friends ask about your summer break, because you've literally been cooped up in your room for 3 months (more or less). But it's all coming to an end soon! Take a deep breath and keep going!

    At first, you're somewhat intimidated by the amount of material you may or may not have learnt. But it doesn't matter because it's all been forgotten, and must now be reviewed.

    You have a study schedule planned and think that everything's within control.

    But when you begin doing the practice passages, things start to get confusing.

    Your practice books may sometimes give you weird answers that don't make sense.

    Occasionally, the explanations may actually help.

    You start appreciating the power of mnemonics in helping you remember stuff.

    Getting through the content review, you begin to feel like maybe everything will be alright.

    ...until you attempt your first timed, full length practice test.

    Your score is likely hovering around unacceptable levels.

    But it's okay, because you're not one to give up easily.

    After 2 months of studying, you start to feel mcat taking its toll on you.

    You wonder how some of the other people preparing for mcat can look so optimistic.

    You also wonder how and why on earth some humans actually take the mcat after less than 2 months of preparation.

    Your friends may be concerned when they haven't seen you in almost 3 months.

    When you hear your friends complaining or bragging about their tan lines and summer adventures...

    But you'll most likely focus your anger, hate, and frustration on the single most dreaded section....the VR.

    On the bright side, you don't have to deal with the written section this year!

    But VR is still a betch.

    2 weeks before the exam, you can feel your soul screaming.

    But it's important to stay calm and appreciate your friends/family for supporting you through this tough time.

    The day before your exam, you'll probably feel like this.

    But as long as you try your best, it'll be okay!

    On the day of your exam, walk into the test center calm and confident.

    For those of you who're still studying, keep trucking on! Because this ordeal is almost over!

    And the minute you step out of that exam room after your test, go ahead. Do the victory dance.

    Good Luck!