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    Post-Grad Job Searching

    The roller coaster ride of leaving the world unemployment.

    You begin your search, feeling optimistic when you see so many postings that spark your interest!

    However, due to the fact you are still a student, finals and pretty much anything else, distract you and job searching gets pushed to the side.

    Then, reality hits. You've officially graduated (congrats!), but you have nothing lined up, so its back to your parents house you go.

    You search every day, all day, but nothing seems applicable to you.

    You run into all these 'entry-level' jobs with specifications you do not meet.

    You finally get a response from the last batch of 50 resumes you have sent out and you feel like the king of the world.

    You do some research on the company and think you are prepared, but you really never are.

    When the interviewer asks you to tell them a little bit about yourself.

    You wait to hear from the employer, who says they'll let you know by the end of the week...and they never call.

    You feel like a total failure.

    You begin to doubt your talents, your abilities, and yourself.

    You think, maybe I can just rest on what good qualities I do have.

    However, you decide to get back out there and send another batch of resumes out.

    You hear back from a few places and have learned from your mistakes. The interviews go much smoother.

    YOU'VE DONE IT! Someone has decided to take a chance on you and you are officially employed.

    Go out and tackle that world like the BAMF you are.