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10 Reasons Why Summer Rules, Winter Drools

Winter is cool...if you like being cold, grumpy and miserable for 3 months straight. Here are some absolute facts why summer is the superior season. Got a friend who disagrees? Hear the other side then let us know what you think!

1. You can finally bust out your booty shorts.

2. This is what an ice storm looks like in the summer.

3. You can stop fake tanning and catch some real rays.

4. You can Instagram pictures of your legs by the pool!

See? Everyone is doing it!

...Like, everyone.

5. You get to have sexy beach hair!

6. More fruit is in season.

7. You can eat ice cream for breakfast!

8. Summer means family vacation season!

Or not.

9. You get to pull sunscreen pranks on your friends.

10. You get to eat outside.

But do you have a winter-loving friend who finds THIS more fun?

Disagree? Choose your side of the argument now.