

(>")><('-')><("<) hey everyone my name is Stephanie i am attending college in San Francisco called Academy of Art University. I'm a shy girl and also outgoing. I love a good laugh and i love making new friends. I'm a very calm and have a lot of patience I don't get mad very easy only once in awhile do I get angry, but you would have to be able to push ALL of my buttons in order for me to get to that level. I really enjoy drawing one of my favorite things to draw are characters and coming up with a story for them it's a lot of fun to be able to use my imagination to come up with a background story. I also really enjoy building things with my hands such as Sculptures out of clay and Maquettes of characters. I'm thinking about taking my major to Stop Motion where I get to building things out of clay! still debating on it though. I also enjoy cosplaying. Where i get to dress up as any anime character and go around playing as them and getting pictures taken. It's so much fun to go to cons in costume and make a lot of friends. it's a good experience X3

Dec 2010
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