

Hi! I'm Stephanie. I like to learn random facts, read, play video games, joke, swim, play with animals, smell things that smell good, and I make the best quesadillas you will ever taste! Yes, that's right. I'm white and I make better a quesadilla than your Tia Adelita! I also say things like "I didn't find it particularly amusing." Or "I just assumed it would be apparent." I'm not trying to sound smart. I guess I'm just a nerd. It's probably because I play video games and read books where the characters talk that way. So it rubs off! But I digress... (see? There it is again!) People tell me that I'm serious around new people and that I'm different once you get to know me. But that's really the nicer way of saying that I seem a little rude because I'm uninterested in most people and only show my brighter colors to people I feel comfortable around. I like music quite a bit. I like Classic rock, glam rock, and electronic. I like fun music like Chuck Berry, T.REX, Gorillaz. Something that really makes you want to shake around like T.REXs "Jeepster". Sometimes there is a really good Hardstyle or Electro song that can do that too. Or I have to be able to get lost in it. Like Vive La Fêtes "Nuit Blanche". My fiance likes music a lot more than me though. He listens to Jazz, Blues, classic rock, metal and sometimes rap and a lot of other things that you would never guess. How many Mexicans do you know that listen to The Supremes? I like animals a lot and I think very little of people that hurt them intentionally. I think even less of people that do it for fun. Cats are my favorite animal.The only animals I currently have are two gerbils. They are messy little beasts but one of them is pretty friendly and likes being fed sunflower seeds. I'm not religious. It says "Agnostic-atheist" up there. Not in a "I'm not sure about God but I might go Christian someday." kind of way. Because when people see "Agnostic" they seem to think there is room to convert you to Christianity. I don't think there is a higher omnipotent power lingering around us all. That's why I am an atheist. However I have the balls to admit that I can't prove it right or wrong and I DON'T KNOW how we got here. That's why I am agnostic :) I have always taken a little interest in playing music and tried my hand at guitar, bass and drums. I don't particularly like any of them but I really enjoy piano. I'm getting noticeably better everyday. I don't have much of a voice though. I have a lower mezzo-soprano range with a lyrical weight (last time I checked anyway, ha).

Jul 2010
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