17 Struggles Only Punctual People Will Understand

    It's not a crime to be on time.

    1. Getting to the airport so early you literally beat all the staff.

    2. Forcing yourself to sleep in.

    However I am making myself go back to sleep because I have no reason to be up 😕 #PunctualProblems

    3. Waiting around awkwardly because you don't want to arrive anywhere too early.

    I got to work 15 minutes early. So I'm sitting in my car. Doing nothing. But I don't want to go inside just yet. #punctualproblems

    4. Getting to class so early you could basically read War and Peace.

    5. This envy.

    I can't hate on slow drivers...I'm kinda jealous of those not always rushing when they're in the car trying to beat time #punctualproblems

    6. Always being the first to arrive, even when you're "running late."

    Even when I think I'm running late I'm still almost always the first person to a lunch date. #punctualproblems

    7. Going out of your way to arrive late, and failing.

    Man I was TRYING to be late to class because the professor is always late but I still got here 10 minutes early #punctualproblems

    8. Getting to the club so early you're just there chilling with the bartenders, waiting for the FUN TO START.

    9. The constant lies you're on the receiving end of.

    10. The struggle of allotting yourself a superfluous amount of grooming time.

    11. When your friends force you to be socially awkward by being perpetually late, leaving you standing around LIKE A DAMN FOOL.

    "hey there, I'm socially awkward by showing up to events on time" #PunctualProblems

    12. Meeting someone for brunch like...

    13. When you're like, "Oh sorry for thinking that you meant the time you said, how embarrassing for me!"

    When people say a meeting is at 3:00, I didn't know they meant 3:15 or 3:20. I guess I thought they meant 3:00. #PunctualProblems

    14. Literally this.

    15. The wasted hours.

    I swear to god I spend half of my life waiting around because I am worried about being late. #punctualproblems

    16. THIS.

    So glad I legit ran to a meeting in 5-inch wedges terrified of being late... Everyone showed up 10 minutes later. #punctualproblems

    17. And the anxiety of being the only punctual person in an office full of people who have NO RESPECT FOR BOOKINGS OR PEOPLE OR TIME.

    Sometimes I think my office is trying to kill me with how unpunctual they are.