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    17 Things You Can Do To Feel Young

    Follow these simple rules and you'll soon feel like your youthful, wrinkle-free former self who has yet to be hardened by the world or traumatized by twerking.

    1. Move back in with your parents.

    2. Carry a stash of Blue Raspberry Warheads and use them as currency.

    3. Get super excited about staying up past 12:00 AM.

    4. Jump on the bed, or the couch, or another inanimate object of your choosing.

    5. Ditch the handbag or briefcase and get yourself a sweet backpack.

    6. Stickers, Stickers everywhere!

    7. Opt for a thumb war instead of a handshake.

    8. Pass notes instead of sending emails.

    9. Wear jeans with holes in them.

    10. Have a party and separate the room according to gender.

    11. Give yourself a sugar rush.

    12. Trade lunch items with your coworkers.

    13. Only listen to bands where a). the lead singer wears belly tops or b). has frosted tips.

    14. Prank call your crushes.

    15. Get down with the lingo.

    16. Give people Pogs as a gift.

    17. Look up all the sexy celebrities that are older than you and reassure yourself that you still have a few good years left.