
Stacy S.

I'm probably a little older than your average facebook person, but I love young people and feel young myself. I love music and tend to keep up with the current trends. I love meeting new people and hope to meet a lot of them. I also love talking with bands. These are some of the hardest working people I know and my heart goes out to them. I am also very political at times. Especially now when we have so many negative things happening. The gas prices are higher than ever. Food costs are on the rise. Jobs are becoming scarce. Our truckers can't even afford to haul their cargo. Then we have the terrible aftermath of the cyclone that hit Myranmar close to Thailand. My heart breaks at the magnitude of this catastrophe. An estimated 100,000 people dead or injured. Our society needs to wake up. These are not coincidences. I believe things will get worse unless we start to work together to set things right. We have not control over the weather, but we should try to improve what is in our grasp-such as what our government spends our tax dollars on. I would rather send billions of dollars to help someone out of a natural disaster than to purposely tear down a country(iraq) to build it back up again. And where is O freakin Sama? That's what started the crap in the first place. We become anesthesized and consumed with our daily lives, but it's time to take charge again. We elect the government-they work for us-it's time they acted like it. Don't you agree?

Apr 2010
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