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    How Cards Against Humanity Is Changing The World One Deck At A Time

    How cynical, edgy, low-tech entertainment is usurping digital gaming.

    Unless you've been living under a rock, by now you've heard of the cynical card game taking the world by storm. In this age of high tech and always-online connected digital entertainment, a new twist on a a low tech staple of our childhoods is more addictive than cigarettes laced with crack.

    Cards Against Humanity was created initially by a group of high school friends during a New Year's Eve party when they were bored (and likely imbibing).

    Thankfully they agreed to steer clear of their original idea for a title of the game - Hyper-Theticals and settled on the nomenclature we've all come to love-hate.

    It's a card game you can play with your friends without the uber-nerd stigma of it's more cringe-inducing counterpart, Magic The Gathering or MTG as the cool kids call it.

    You can blame your obsession for this card game on their very successful Kickstarter campaign which garnered an initial $15,000 which was 4 times their original goal.

    Apparently we all love to feel bad within the safety framework that Cards Against Humanity provides us. One might say that it is almost a cathartic experience.

    Make sure when you buy your deck, you don't get the box filled with bull**** that the company actually sold to customers as a laugh.