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    17 Things To Know If You’re An Extrovert Dating An Introvert

    Opposites may attract, but with an introvert-extrovert attraction comes its own set of frustrations. Here's what you need to know if your guy or gal just doesn't adhere to typical social norms!

    1. Your introvert likely can't stand people that do this.

    And this

    Mainly because

    2. Your sig other would literally rather watch mold grow on ham than be around someone he or she doesn’t like.

    3. Your friends will never understand your significant other.

    4. Others may mention how "shy" and "quiet" your introvert is.

    5. It is necessary to maintain a delicate balance between too much affection and not enough affection in your relationship.

    6. Avoid talking about feelings of any kind with your introvert.

    7. But appreciate other ways your significant other may express feelings!

    8. Under no circumstances should you interrupt your significant other while he or she is concentrating on something.

    9. You will be frustrated by your significant other’s sheer lack of interest in parties and/or going out.

    10. Your sig other is likely to be much more interested in watching a science video or informative documentary.

    11. If you push your introvert to go out when he or she doesn't want to, he or she may get desperate.

    12. Your significant other may randomly run away in a social situation viewed as too intense.

    13. Your introvert may vehemently deny it, but he/she love hugs.

    14. Your introvert’s “love language” is quality time.

    15. It may get stressful learning how your introvert works.

    16. Your introvert will always be there in time of need.

    17. If you treat him or her right, your introvert will never leave you.