15 Smoothies That Will Soothe Your Angry Hangover

    Nothing calms a splitting headache like a cool smoothie. And, you know, some Advil.

    On mornings when you feel like this...

    ...and last night's pizza is still sittin' pretty in your stomach...

    ...the answer is obvious: Start your day with something healthy (for once). Try one of these yummy smoothies to get you back on the right track.

    1. Super Green Coconut Detox Smoothie

    2. Chocolate Almond Kiss Dessert Smoothie

    3. Mango, Strawberry and Blueberry Smoothie

    4. The Ultimate Green Smoothie

    5. Mint Chocolate Chip Smoothie

    6. Green Tea and Berries Smoothie

    7. Watermelon Smoothie

    8. Blueberry Agave Chia Seed Smoothie

    9. Mango Raspberry Smoothie

    10. Super Green Smoothie for Super Smooth Skin

    11. Raspberry Oatmeal Smoothie

    12. Green Goddess Smoothie

    13. Skinny Strawberry Milkshake

    14. Momofuku Cereal Milk Smoothie

    15. Peanut Butter Berry Smoothie

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