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    The Best GIFs To Help You Deal With Annoying People

    Unfortunately, we all have that co-worker, family member, neighbor or someone that gets under our skin. These gifs are my gift to you, to help ease the agonizing pain.

    You're having a perfect day, not a care in the world. When, who walks in?

    The bane of your existence.

    Rambling on and on, and on, and on about nothing.

    Sometimes they pop up at your door unannounced.

    They always seem to have SO much to say about EVERYTHING.

    And they have this uncanny ability to turn every topic of discussion into something about them, even though you weren't talking about them.

    Your first thought may be to light a match, and blow-up the spot. Because you can't bare to listen to another second of what they think, feel, like, dislike, or hate.

    You may want to line them up, and slap some sense into them all at once.

    You could pimp slap them into submission.

    Stop, roll, and run could be a good option. I mean anything is better than listening to them whine and complain, right?

    If your not much for the dramatics, you may want to just...

    Run, run for your life at the very sight of them.

    Hands-down, a mush to the face as you walk away, would give you the greatest pleasure.

    Talk to the hand honey.

    Love don't live here anymore.

    All of these things may work for a moment, but ultimately the best way to deal with their irritable ways is to...

    Just say no.

    No, I don't want to hear another word come out of your mouth.

    Finished. I'm done listening to you. My ears are closed to anything you open your mouth to say.

    No, no, no!

    Walk away, and flip your hair to let them know, 'You say what you mean, and mean what you say.'

    It doesn't matter if you have long hair.

    Or short.

    Curly hair...

    Or straight.

    Wet hair...

    Or dry.

    You can whip your hair back and forth with the best of them.

    You're 'Gone With The Wind' Fabulous.

    And now that they know you mean business.

    I want you to strut out of there like a boss, and don't look back.