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    You Know You're A Die Hard Saved By The Bell Fan When...

    Preppy, Screech, Bubba, Mama, Lisa, and Kelly - Gangs all here!

    The bus didn't come until 8 but you were dressed by 7 because

    You could always count on Lisa to say something witty...

    You were never really sure why these 3 were best friends…

    You knew Zack was always up to no good on his giant phone...

    You found out Zack has really nice arms from Screech's Party episode...

    You knew Zack's plot probably wouldn't work after he gave this wink...

    You saw right through AC Slater's tough side...

    You were so mad at Jesse when she started taking pills for this dance...

    You tried to hug Screech through the TV during this episode...

    You always thought AC could do better than Jessie because hello, height?

    You never knew a class clown quite like Zack Morris

    You found out what true love is from Zack and Kelly ...

    You could always count on AC to show up in some super short shorts...

    You always wondered why you weren't as close with your teacher as Miss. Bliss and the gang were

    You always got a little nervous Slater would steal Kelly from Zack because Zack could be such a jerk sometimes

    Only you knew Lisa was being genuine would she would call Screech a "dork"

    You have one of these...

    When you look at this picture you can hear Mr. Belding's laugh

    You missed the gang being in high school...

    You know there’s no other place for Slater to sit other than a backwards chair at the head of the table at The Max...

    You could count on this guy to bring the gang milkshakes...

    You weren't quite sure how to feel about Zack pursuing Tori Scott...

    You had this as your ringtone at some point..

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