

Thanks for reading my bio. It is an ever evolving piece of work. Born in '71 in Sousse, Tunisia to Ridha and Anne Lanouar. I came to America when I was 2 years old. My dad was in the hotel industry so that gave me the unique opportunity to move often and learn much from many people all over America and the World. This greatly affected me because it taught me that there are many perspectives to look at Life. I don't think there is a right or wrong way for the most part. It is all about finding YOUR way. Currently I'm fortunate to have my partner in life, my husband Andrew who loves me and puts up with my crazy writer mind. The Lord has blessed me with four individuals I know as my children three of which I gave birth to and one I lucked out to inherit when I married my husband. Pretty awesome souls all of them and I feel fortunate that my life is much richer for having the honor of being their mom. I aspire to be a writer however am often too distracted by the wonders of the world and discovering it. I volunteer in my community. My natural tendencies are toward activism, philosophy and writing all things that generally are not appreciated until after one's death-you know generally speaking. So I get up in the morning and am always amazed I woke up and ask myself what cool things can I do with this day? I imagine I will continue this practice until my last day of life whenever that comes. The only thing I regret about the fact that I will die one day is that I won't be there to see how it all ends. I always like a good ending to a story :o) When I was younger I wanted to live a life worth writing about. As I get older though, I appreciate the peace and freedom that comes with anonymity. As one of my teachers in life once said "A nobody can do anything." I believe that to be true.

Dec 2010
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