What Was The Worst School Trip You Ever Went On?

    Was it worse than visiting a sewage works, a factory, or the local supermarket?

    The best thing about school was getting to go on a field trip to a cool place.

    Or fun museum with lots of buttons you could press.

    But most of the time it would end up being something terrible and “educational”, like a bread factory.

    So tomorrow I'm being forced to go on a school trip around a fucking bread factory. Some days are just there as a test.

    Or a supermarket.

    My little sister is going on a school trip to tesco today. FUCKING TESCO 😭😂

    Or your local high street.

    So we don't have a school trip for like ages and when we finally do it's to Slough high street-.-

    Or river measuring.

    So tomorrow I'm on a school trip measuring a river in the middle of nowhere ! :/ I'm so excited NOT !

    So, what was the crappiest school trip you ever went on? Let us know in the comments and you could be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post!