59 Thoughts Everyone Has When Shopping In Argos

    But where have all the catalogues gone?

    1. Need to get a new bookshelf.

    2. Just pop in to Argos and see what they have.

    3. Can't wait to look in that catalogue.

    4. Might get a new bath mat while I'm there.


    6. I didn't come in here to browse on an iPad.

    7. How am I meant to look at all the cool toys I sorta still want?

    8. Ok fine. FINE iPad, you win.

    9. Lucky they've still got those little blue pens.

    10. OH NO WAIT.

    11. They've replaced them with red pencils!

    12. Is NOTHING sacred any more?

    13. So I'll just search for "bookshelf".

    14. Only £20!

    15. Bargain.

    16. But it will probably fall apart after three weeks.

    17. Ooh I can get a matching wardrobe and desk.

    18. No just stick to the shelves.

    19. Maybe I should buy a TV.

    20. No I already have a TV.

    21. But this one is HD.

    22. It's only £200.


    24. Ooh just have a quick look in the jewellery cabinets.

    25. So shiny.

    26. That watch is a bit naff though.

    27. Anyway, back to the task in hand.

    28. I'll search and see if there are any of those niceish shelves in stock.

    29. NONE IN STOCK.

    30. Why would you tempt me like this Argos?

    31. Fine I'll go for some different ones.

    32. Ok three in stock.

    33. NOW WHAT?

    34. Oh my god this is so confusing how do I pay?

    35. Why are there so many counters?

    36. Well this seems like the right place.

    37. Will just pick up some batteries while I'm in the queue.

    38. And maybe an extension lead.

    39. Yay paid!

    40. Now to awkwardly sit on one of those chairs in a line.

    41. Number 3984.

    42. How have they had that many orders already today it's only 9.30am?

    43. I wonder what's behind that wall.

    44. Hmm what would happen if I got inside that tiny lift?

    45. I can see it! My shelves are here!

    46. But they haven't called the number yet.

    47. I'll just sit here then.

    48. And watch them.


    50. So frustrating.

    51. OMG FINALLY.

    52. They've called my number.

    53. The wait is over.

    54. They are mine.

    55. Can't wait to get them home.

    56. Will look so nice in the lounge.

    57. Better just look inside the box and check they're ok.

    58. Dammit they're the wrong colour.

    59. And so the cycle begins again.