22 Struggles Of Getting The Tube In The Summer

    How is it this hot? How?

    1. Totally underestimating how hot the tube will be when you leave the house in the morning.

    2. Realising you’ve made a huge mistake with your outfit.

    3. Just wanting to rip your clothes off as soon as you get on the platform

    4. Getting on the tube and it’s so cramped you can’t take your jacket off.

    5. Resigning yourself to the fact that you’re just going to have massive sweat patches today.

    6. Attempting the stairs instead of the escalator on a particularly hot day.

    7. When you’re not sure if that’s sweat rolling down your face or you’ve just started crying with how hot it is.

    8. Then realising you’ve forgotten your water.

    9. Standing in close proximity to someone who’s forgotten to put on deodorant.

    10. Or worse, standing next to a group of lads who’ve just had an energetic kick about in the park.

    11. Accidentally touching someone’s lower back sweat.

    12. Seeing someone wearing a coat and being irrationally angry with them.

    13. When the person in front of the window shuts it because it’s windy.

    14. Having to look at people's gross flipflop feet.

    15. Finally getting a seat and discovering it’s creepily warm.

    16. And the armrests have sweat on them.

    17. When a person sits so close to you their heat radiates into your very soul.

    18. Getting on the tube looking mostly ok.

    19. Then getting off looking like you’ve just done the ice bucket challenge.

    20. Spending the first hour at work talking about how hot your commute was.

    21. Realizing you’re going to have to do it all again in eight hours.

    22. Oh well, at least you don't have to get the bus.