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    Watch What Happens When A Musician Writes A Song About War And Performs It For A Vet.

    A musician performs a song about combat for a Vietnam Vet who then spent the following 30 years as a drug and family therapist. Lang's serves as a doorway into an unflinching conversation covering a veteran's harrowing experience in Vietnam, his observations of the long-term effects of war on Veterans, and how the culpability of war is becoming more distant to the civilian public.

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    This is the first episode of a new songwriting series, This One’s For You. The program captures a performance and conversation between songwriters and those who have inspired their songs. Many of our favorite songs are conversations in which we only hear one side of the story; this program gives a long-overdue microphone to another side of the story. There is a rare, blunt honesty to this program that makes it hard to look away.