This 18-Year-Old's Drawings Are Being Shared By Thousands Of People On Twitter

    Meanwhile, my doodles still look like unicorn turds.

    Prianka Bassi is an 18-year-old, England-based artist whose doodles are pretty killer.

    Here is the drawing she made of Drake towering over the Toronto skyline.

    The 6 God watches over Toronto while his owl guards him from his enemies. Please RT so @drake sees my art!

    "I started drawing at the age of eight or nine but have been doing pen drawings in detail since I was 16", Bassi told BuzzFeed.

    72 hours. 46 x 33 inches. No compass or ruler, just 2 hands & 6 pens. And yes that's me trying to look artistic 😂😌

    "My first post was of a small pattern I did when I was bored in class and so many people liked it and wanted to see more, so from then I posted more and more," she added.

    Bassi credits her skill to her art teacher.

    "She constantly pushed me to draw bigger things as I was always very confined and drawing small things. I was also thinking of not studying art because I didn't have any support because everyone around me was studying science or law. She was the one who motivated me to continue with art regardless of the Indian stereotypes than only doctors or engineers are respected," she told BuzzFeed.

    The detail in even her seemingly simple doodles is quite mindblowing.

    Bassi will be studying illustration at university starting this October.

    You can follow more of her work on Twitter and Instagram.